Music feeds my soul

Today my heart and head has been full of music. There have been many mornings I have woken up and a song is stuck in my head. Music is so amazing and passionate it can feed your soul. From the relaxing sounds of waves crashing to Dubstep.

I personally love lyrically clever songs, from Jeff Buckley, Ben Harper, Dave Matthews and Dada. I bet you can tell what music generation I’m from. Yep I’m was a baby in 80’s and a teenager in the 90’s. I remember the first time I heard Ben Harper, it was my senior year in high school hanging out at a friends house. I could not get over how his songs were so lyrically smooth and how much passion came out of his voice. It was like my ears have never heard music before and from there it only got better. I was exposed to Jeff Buckley, by the way EVERY man should own the album GRACE by Jeff Buckley, it will rip at your soul, in a good way. It is beautiful and so sexy.

If your dancing away at some night club, to painting and drawing or if your just relaxing in your bed there is just something freeing about getting lost in music. Opening up your mind and listen to every little beat, lyric of a song fills you like nothing earthly can. I have done some of my best drawings and paintings listening to music. When I step away I am amazed that I created something so beautiful, it’s like it wasn’t me.


Music impacts us all in so many ways. We feel connected to something when an artist sings about heart break, true love and fun times. I know for me I can hear certain songs and remember where I was, what time of the year it was, what it felt like. It’s so amazing how something you hear can trigger so many senses. The mind and body connection is an amazing thing.

One song I am very connected to is Amazing Grace and it wasn’t a famous person who sang it, but my Aunt. I was 13 and what seemed to be a typical Sunday morning at church turned into a heart opener. My Aunt Cheryl was up on stage singing, like normal and everyone else stepped back except Cheryl. The music started playing and from the first note she sang I could not take my eyes off of her. I could see this amazing light all around her and I knew right then that there was something so much greater than this life, that grace must be amazing. It changed my life and now every time I hear Amazing Grace, I just stop and let the grace flow over me.

Music feeds the soul and clicks in to every part of you. Heart, Mind, Body and Soul.

So go grab your favorite album or pandora station and let the music feed you.

From my cup of hot tea to yours! Cheers my friend!


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